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Aleo Deploy and Execute Demo

These changes support the first iteration of deploying and executing programs on the Aleo network.

Bugs, usability suggestions, and feedback in general would be greatly appreciated.


Learn how to deploy and execute a basic "hello world!" program on Aleo's network using Leo and snarkOS.

Usage guide

1. Prerequisites

Make sure you have both Leo and snarkOS installed on your machine.

  • To verify if you have Leo, open your terminal and type leo. If you don't see something like zsh: command not found: leo, you're good

  • To verify if you have snarkOS, do the same thing you did with Leo but replace leo with snarkos

Optional: Install the JSON Beautifier & Editor Chrome extension.


  • You can find instructions to install Leo on your machine here and snarkOS here
  • Make sure to pull the latest versions of snarkos and leo from GitHub to your local machine

2. Generate your test keys and wallet address

  • In your favorite browser, navigate to and click the Generate button

  • Save your Address, View Key, and Private Key in a safe place, you'll need them later

3a. Seeding your wallet with credits

To seed your wallet, you'll need to request credits from Aleo's faucet at ⛲️.


  • It can take up to 5-minutes for the faucet to send your credits, to bide the time, concurrently move on to step 3b below.
  • ⚠️ International requests are not supported by the faucet at the moment (a solution is coming soon). In the meantime, if you need credits and are testing internationally, reach out to the Aleo team on Discord or Twitter for support.

3b. Create a Leo application

We'll need something to deploy, so let's create a simple test Leo application.

Open your terminal and enter the following commands consecutively:

  • Create a directory to store your Leo application - feel free to use a different name for this directory or location
cd $HOME/Desktop
mkdir demo_deploy_Leo_app && cd demo_deploy_Leo_app
  • ⚠️ Assign $WALLETADDRESS to the wallet address you saved
  • Generate a unique application name using part of your wallet address
  • Create a new test Leo application
leo new "${APPNAME}"
  • Run your Leo application to make sure things are working
cd "${APPNAME}" && leo run && cd -
  • Save the path of your application - this is important later
PATHTOAPP=$(realpath -q $APPNAME)

4. Confirm the Aleo faucet ⛲️ has sent your wallet credits and obtain your ciphertext record value

By this point, the Aleo faucet should have sent your wallet credits. Next, you'll need to verify your credit balance by decrypting the ciphertext record for the execute transfer that was sent to you.

If you requested credits by texting with your phone number, you should also receive a confirmation with a URL that has a prefix of

Alternatively, you can find your execute transaction confirmation by going to the faucet and searching the table provided (supported on desktop only currently) for your address. Once a result is returned, click on the Transaction ID field. If you do not see a result in the table, your credits have not yet been sent.

  • You should be presented with a JSON object in a new browser window. If you haven't already, we highly recommend you install the JSON Beautifier & Editor Chrome extension.
  • Navigate to object.execution.transitions[0].outputs[0].value and copy the ciphertext stored there

5. Obtain your records plaintext

  • Navigate to and click the Record tab in the nav bar at the top of the page
  • Place the record ciphertext you copied in the previous step in the Record (Ciphertext) field
  • Place your view key in the View Key field
  • Copy the plaintext record provided. If you do not see it, it's likely you copied the wrong ciphertext record in step 4. Consider revisiting or reach out to [email protected].
  • Save your plaintext record in the same place as you did your address, view key, and private key. You will need it later.

6. Deploy your test application

Now that we have all the details required, we can deploy your first Leo application.

Open the same terminal instance as before and enter the following commands consecutively:

  • Navigate to the path of your app
cd $PATHTOAPP && cd ..
  • ⚠️ Assign $PRIVATEKEY to the private address you saved earlier
  • ⚠️ Assign $RECORD to the plaintext record you saved earlier
  • Deploy your Leo application (if all your variables were assigned correctly, you should be able to copy/paste the following
snarkos developer deploy "${APPNAME}.aleo" --private-key "${PRIVATEKEY}" --query "" --path "./${APPNAME}/build/" --broadcast "" --fee 1000000 --record "${RECORD}"

You should have seen a confirmation that your Aleo application was deployed in the form of a transaction ID that looks like the following at1rkkpqu5k4rt86zzccczw6cxeyvrl7hxydvvv7dhl7zr7p9w40c8s70kwm8. Make sure to copy this string as you'll need it for the last step.

7. Execute your test application

Finally, it is time to execute the application you just deployed!

⚠️ Assign $RECORD to the plaintext record you saved earlier


Then just paste the following command in your terminal

snarkos developer execute "${APPNAME}.aleo" "main" "1u32" "2u32" --private-key "${PRIVATEKEY}" --query "" --broadcast "" --fee 1000000 --record "${RECORD}"

Awesome! You have successfully deployed and executed a Leo application to Testnet, how exciting 🎉