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Aleo Deploy and Execute

These changes support the first iteration of deploying and executing programs on the Aleo network.

Bugs, usability suggestions, and feedback in general would be greatly appreciated.


Deployment and execution of programs is done via four new developer CLI commands in snarkOS - decrypt, deploy, execute, scan, and transfer.

These CLI commands currently live in snarkOS, but can also be migrated to the Aleo SDK.

Note: All the operations are done client-side and do not require sending private keys or view keys to third parties.

Usage guide

1. Install snarkOS

git clone
cd snarkOS
git checkout mainnet-staging
cargo install --path .

2. Run the node in development mode

snarkos start --nodisplay --dev <NODE_ID>

3. Scan the node for spendable records

This will likely be the view key associated with the development beacon.

snarkos developer scan -v <VIEW_KEY> --start 0 --end 1 --endpoint "http://localhost:3030"

4. Transfer credits (execute the credits.aleo program)

Transfer credits to another account.

snarkos developer execute credits.aleo transfer <INPUT_RECORD> <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> "<AMOUNT_TO_TRANSFER>u64" --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "http://localhost:3030" --broadcast "http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast" 


snarkos developer transfer <AMOUNT_TO_TRANSFER> --input-record <INPUT_RECORD> --recipient <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>  --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "<http://localhost:3030>" --broadcast "<http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast>"

This step can be replaced with a faucet.

5. Deploy a program

Deploy a program with an unspent record.

snarkos developer deploy fibonacci.aleo --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "http://localhost:3030" --path "../leo/examples/fibonacci/build/" --broadcast "http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast" --fee 600000 --record <INPUT_RECORD>

6. Execute a function of a deployed program

snarkos developer execute fibonacci.aleo fibonacci "1u8" --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "http://localhost:3030" --broadcast "http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast" 

NOTE: Fees (in microcredits) must be greater than the transaction size in bytes. Fees can be excluded from execution transactions, but if one is specified, it must follow the above rule.



Decrypt a record ciphertext using a view key.

  • ciphertext- The record ciphertext to decrypt
    • shortcut: -c
  • view_key - The view key used to decrypt the ciphertext
    • shortcut: -v
snarkos developer decrypt  -v <VIEW_KEY> -c <RECORD_CIPHERTEXT>


Create an Aleo program deployment.

  • program_id - The ID of the program to deploy
  • path - The path to the package directory
    • optional - defaults to the current directory
  • private_key - The private key used to generate the deployment
    • shortcut -p
  • query - The endpoint to query node state from
    • shortcut - -q
  • fee - The deployment fee in microcredits
    • optional - defaults to 0
  • record - The record to spend the fee from
  • display - Display the generated transaction
    • optional - defaults to false
  • broadcast - Broadcast the transaction to a specified endpoint
    • optional
  • store - Store the transaction to a specified file path.
    • optional
snarkos developer deploy fibonacci.aleo --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "http://localhost:3030" --path "./leo/examples/fibonacci/build/" --broadcast "http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast" --fee 550000 --record <INSERT_RECORD_HERE>


Create an Aleo program execution.

  • program_id - The ID of the program to deploy
  • function - The name of the function
  • inputs - The function inputs
  • private_key - The private key used to generate the deployment
    • shortcut -p
  • query - The endpoint to query node state from
    • shortcut - -q
  • fee - The deployment fee in microcredits
    • optional
  • record - The record to spend the fee from
    • optional
  • display - Display the generated transaction
    • optional - defaults to false
  • broadcast - Broadcast the transaction to a specified endpoint
    • optional
  • store - Store the transaction to a specified file path.
    • optional
snarkos developer execute fibonacci.aleo fibonacci "1u8" --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "http://localhost:3030" --broadcast "http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast" 


Scan a node for owned records in a given block range.

Note: This is a naive scan and doesn't take spent records into account.

  • view_key - The view key used to decrypt found records
    • shortcut: -v
  • start - The starting block height of the query
  • end - The end block height of the query
  • endpoint - Endpoint to fetch blocks from
snarkos developer scan -v <VIEW_KEY> --start 0 --end 1 --endpoint "http://localhost:3030"


Transfer credits with a credits.aleo program execution.

  • input_record - The record used to craft the transfer
  • recipient - The recipient address
  • amount - The number of microcredits to transfer
  • private_key - The private key used to generate the deployment
    • shortcut -p
  • query - The endpoint to query node state from
    • shortcut - -q
  • fee - The deployment fee in microcredits
    • optional
  • record - The record to spend the fee from
    • optional
  • display - Display the generated transaction
    • optional - defaults to false
  • broadcast - Broadcast the transaction to a specified endpoint
    • optional
  • store - Store the transaction to a specified file path.
    • optional
snarkos developer transfer <AMOUNT_TO_TRANSFER> --input-record <INPUT_RECORD> --recipient <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>  --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --query "<http://localhost:3030>" --broadcast "<http://localhost:3030/testnet/transaction/broadcast>"

Usage on Testnet Beta

To deploy and execute programs on Testnet Beta

  1. Replace step 3 with the Aleo faucet to obtain spendable credits. You can request credits from the faucet
  2. Replace the use of http://localhost:3030 with

Deployment transactions have an additional requirement where the included fee must have at least deployment_size_in_bytes microcredits.

Execution transactions do not currently have any fee requirements.

If you'd like to try out deploying an Aleo app, you can follow the demo in the next section, Deploy and Execute Demo.