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Structure of a Leo Program

Layout of a Leo Program

A Leo program contains declarations of a Program, Constants, Imports , Transition Functions, Async Functions, Helper Functions, Structs , Records, and Mappings. Declarations are locally accessible within a program file. If you need a declaration from another Leo file, you must import it.


A program is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its types) that resides at a program ID on the Aleo blockchain. A program is declared as program {name}.{network} { ... }. The body of the program is delimited by curly braces {}.

import foo.aleo;

program hello.aleo {
const FOO: u64 = 1u64;
mapping account: address => u64;

record token {
owner: address,
amount: u64,

struct message {
sender: address,
object: u64,

async transition mint_public(
public receiver: address,
public amount: u64,
) -> (token, Future) {
return (token {
owner: receiver,
}, update_state(receiver, amount));

async function update_state(
public receiver: address,
public amount: u64,
) {
let current_amount: u64 = Mapping::get_or_use(account, receiver, 0u64);
Mapping::set(account, receiver, current_amount + amount);

function compute(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
return a + b + FOO;

The following must be declared inside the scope of a program in a Leo file:

  • constants
  • mappings
  • record types
  • struct types
  • transition functions
  • helper functions
  • async functions

The following must be declared outside the scope of a program in a Leo file:

  • imports

Program ID

A program ID is declared as {name}.{network}. The first character of a name must be a lowercase letter. name can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Currently, aleo is the only supported network domain.

program hello.aleo; // valid

program Foo.aleo; // invalid
program baR.aleo; // invalid
program 0foo.aleo; // invalid
program 0_foo.aleo; // invalid
program _foo.aleo; // invalid


A constant is declared as const {name}: {type} = {expression};.
Constants are immutable and must be assigned a value when declared.
Constants can be declared in the global scope or in a local function scope.

program foo.aleo {
const FOO: u8 = 1u8;

function bar() -> u8 {
const BAR: u8 = 2u8;
return FOO + BAR;


You can import dependencies that are downloaded to the imports directory. An import is declared as import {filename}.aleo; The dependency resolver will pull the imported program from the network or the local filesystem.

import foo.aleo; // Import all `foo.aleo` declarations into the `hello.aleo` program.

program hello.aleo { }


A mapping is declared as mapping {name}: {key-type} => {value-type}. Mappings contain key-value pairs. Mappings are stored on chain.

// On-chain storage of an `account` mapping,
// with `address` as the type of keys,
// and `u64` as the type of values.
mapping account: address => u64;


A struct data type is declared as struct {name} {}. Structs contain component declarations {name}: {type},.

struct array3 {
a0: u32,
a1: u32,
a2: u32,


A record data type is declared as record {name} {}. Records contain component declarations {visibility} {name}: {type},.

A visibility can be either constant, public, or private. Users may also omit the visibility, in which case, Leo will default to private.

Record data structures must contain the owner component as shown below. When passing a record as input to a program function, the _nonce: group component is also required (but it does not need to be declared in the Leo program).

record token {
// The token owner.
owner: address,
// The token amount.
amount: u64,