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Your Development Environment

Developers can choose from a wide variety of development environment. Each

Leo Playground

Leo Playground is a web-based IDE that is designed to allow developers to develop, deploy, and execute programs all in the browser! It comes with an editor, Github integrations, and a number of utilities to manage programs and interface with the network.

Leo Playground


Developers may find the generating transactions is slower in the browser. This is because the underlying algorithms for generating proofs are computationally expensive. We're actively working on making this better!


The Leo team also maintains plugin for a number of different edits. If you do not see your favorite editor on this list, please reach out on GitHub.

Sublime Text

Download the editor here: Aleo instructions support for Sublime's LSP plugin is provided through a language-server.


  1. Install LSP and LSP-leo from Package Control.
  2. Restart Sublime.


Follow these steps to toggle the Leo syntax highlighting, hover, and tokens.

  1. Open Sublime Text.
  2. From Settings > Select Color Scheme... > LSP-leo

VS Code

Download the editor here:


  1. Install Leo for VSCode from VSCode marketplace.
  2. The correct extension ID is aleohq.leo-extension, and the description should state "the official VSCode extension for Leo".


  1. Open VSCode.
  2. Go to Settings > Extensions or use the left side panel Extensions button to enable the Leo plugin.


Download the editor here:


  1. Install and enable the Leo plugin in your IDE.