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Edwards BLS12BLS12-377
Curve TypeTwisted EdwardsBarreto-Lynn-Scott
Scalar Field Size251 bits253 bits
Base Field Size253 bits377 bits
G1 Compressed Size*32 bytes48 bytes
G2 Compressed Size*N/A96 bytes

* rounded to multiples of 8 bytes.


The sponge construction Sponge[f, pad, r] is a function that takes a variable-length input and produces a fixed-length output (the hash value). The permutation f is a function that takes a fixed-length input and produces a fixed-length output, defined as f = Keccak-f[b], where b := 25 * 2^l is the width of the permutation, and l is the log width of the permutation. For our case, l = 6, thus b = 1600. The padding rule pad is a function that takes a variable-length input and produces a fixed-length output. In Keccak, pad is a multi-rate padding, defined as pad(M) = M || 0x01 || 0x00…0x00 || 0x80, where M is the input data, and 0x01 || 0x00…0x00 || 0x80 is the padding. In SHA-3, pad is a SHAKE, defined as pad(M) = M || 0x06 || 0x00…0x00 || 0x80, where M is the input data, and 0x06 || 0x00…0x00 || 0x80 is the padding. The bitrate r is the number of bits that are absorbed into the sponge state in each iteration of the absorbing phase. In addition, the capacity is defined as c := b - r.